Friday, January 6, 2012

Wrapping up 2011

This might be a rather long post considering the fact that I have 3 months worth of catching up to do. Here are some things we have been up to since October:

Carson and Cali dressed up for Halloween

We take Carson and his friend "J" trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. Charles embraced the pirate theme with Carson.

We go camping at Ft. Wilderness for Thanksgiving. Carson loved the big Christmas tree at The Wilderness Lodge

Carson gets lots of pratice riding his tricyle while we are camping.

I took Carson to the Pink Pig train at Lenox Square Mall for the first time. The Pink Pig is a long-standing Christmas tradtion for many Atlantians (I guess I am becoming one -- an Atlantian, not a pink pig!)

Our friends invited us to the Operation Christmas Child warehouse where they had a special presentation for the children. The children "dressed-up" like a shoebox and learned about how far the Christmas shoeboxes travel to reach children in other countries.

Mike and Angie Harper (Charles sister) come to Atlanta a few weeks before Christmas. Carson loved hanging out with his cousins, Mason and Maelynn. We did alot of fun activities while they were there including a visit to the Coke Museum and Stone Mountain.

The kids enjoyed watching Elf from the big bean bag chair.

According to Carson...they are best buds! According to Hopper...they tolerate each other!

We enjoyed having my family in town for Christmas. Nana and Carson made a drummer boy was so cute and delicious! It was a special treat to have Aunt Joy in town...she and Carson liked reading books together.

With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, my favorite memories are the silly moments Carson and I spent together just hanging around the house.

Charles, Carson, and I spent the last day of 2011 at the Botanical Gardens in Atlanta. The weather was perfect and it was a great way to end the year. Carson enjoyed riding the train at the Gardens. Goodbye 2011...hello 2012!


Matthew and Valerie said...

Love all of the pictures! Carson is getting so big! Looks like you had a good end to 2011.

Kelli said...

Love all the updates Jana! You have an incredible and beautiful family.